Short Stories

Take a break, read and relax

Some of my stories were written many years ago, and are being shared for the first time.
Others are more recent, inspired by life – and dreams!

Surfing the Clouds – a novel

Prologue June 18 1990 The rain almost drowned out the sound of retching coming from the cubbyhole in the corner, laughingly described by the manager as an ensuite. Almost but not quite. Carrie shuddered, feeling a sudden chill despite the humid heat in the room. It was quite dark, the thick stone walls pierced by…


Thirty one years after visiting Pelourinho in the city of Salvador, Bahia, Brazil, we finally got a poster commemorating a concert by the band Olodum framed. I am sharing this story on the anniversary of their concerts – which included a night I will never forget for all the wrong reasons! I could feel him…

The Zoo

“Happy birthday to you, you were born in the Zoo, with the monkeys and the donkeys and the big kangaroo!” sang my brother Michael and his friend Tom, running into the kitchen. I sat on a stair. Mummy said I was born in a hospital. But a Zoo sounded much more exciting. “Hello Katy,” said…

Musings on the menopause

Until recently, menopause was a word whispered quietly when a group of women of a certain age came together, often with a degree of embarrassment because the one raising the subject was the probably the one suffering. And when no one else’s symptoms seemed to match, well, it was time to keep quiet. But menopause…


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