
Thirty one years after visiting Pelourinho in the city of Salvador, Bahia, Brazil, we finally got a poster commemorating a concert by the band Olodum framed. I am sharing this story on the anniversary of their concerts – which included a night I will never forget for all the wrong reasons! I could feel himContinue reading “Pelourinho”

Musings on the menopause

Until recently, menopause was a word whispered quietly when a group of women of a certain age came together, often with a degree of embarrassment because the one raising the subject was the probably the one suffering. And when no one else’s symptoms seemed to match, well, it was time to keep quiet. But menopauseContinue reading “Musings on the menopause”

I can see clearly now…

I am incredibly fortunate to wake up each morning with perfect vision. Yet just a few months ago I couldn’t see anything clearly beyond my nose without the help of glasses or contact lenses. The transformation is, quite literally, life changing. Towards the end of 2020, after years of prevaricating, I finally took the decisionContinue reading “I can see clearly now…”

Time lapse travel blog

A blog recording a backpacking trip which lasted from June 1990 until the end of May 1991, visiting India, Hong Kong, China, Thailand, Indonesia, Australia, New Zealand, the USA, Venezuela and Brazil. Posted online 30 years after the adventure took place! Day 1 – Sunday June 3rd 1990 – Delhi It’s 4am British time, 8.30amContinue reading “Time lapse travel blog”

Growing in the grey

First published May 2020 – most recent update (towards end of article) March 2023 With so many people missing their hairdresser during this surreal period of lockdown, it seems a good time to write a blog about growing in the grey.  My hair has been grey (I prefer white or silver) for five years –Continue reading “Growing in the grey”