
Thirty one years after visiting Pelourinho in the city of Salvador, Bahia, Brazil, we finally got a poster commemorating a concert by the band Olodum framed. I am sharing this story on the anniversary of their concerts – which included a night I will never forget for all the wrong reasons! I could feel himContinue reading “Pelourinho”

The boy in the baseball cap

It was just 7am but already there was a touch of warmth in the early summer sunshine. Evelyn strode out purposefully, as she did at this time every morning, her terrier Tess trotting alongside and stopping occasionally for a snuffle in the hedgerow enclosing the park.  Now that she was retired, she could walk TessContinue reading “The boy in the baseball cap”

A ferry big adventure

“We have to go on the ferry,” Mum said, as she put sticky tape on the present she was wrapping in horrible pink paper with silly booties all over it. Now this made Sunday’s trip sounded more promising. “A real ferry?” I asked suspiciously. “Of course it’s a real ferry,” Mum laughed, attaching a bigContinue reading “A ferry big adventure”


Dimitri was bathing Dima when Karina got home, she could hear the splashing through the open door further down the hallway. She stamped the snow from her boots and shook out her coat before hanging it on a peg. “Hello,” she called. “Mummy’s home,” Dima’s three-year-old voice sang back. “Nearly done,” shouted Dimitri. Their daughterContinue reading “Entwined”

Elsie hits the headlines

“With all this fuss you‘d think I was the first person ever to get electricity, not the last!” The young journalist was scribbling furiously, not wanting to miss any of Elsie’s wonderful quotes.  It was quite some story after all – not the gripping street riots and political shenanigans that kept some reporters busy –Continue reading “Elsie hits the headlines”