The Look

You are looking me straight in the eye, but your gaze is unreadable.  My stomach lurches and I feel my head getting light. I reach for a chair to keep my balance, but there is none there, so I stumble slightly.

You start towards me and now your face is closer, I can see there are tears in your blue eyes – eyes that sparkle like sapphires when you laugh but now are dark like the deepest ocean.

You are going to say it, I know. Like others who came before, you believe I am invincible, that no pain can penetrate my tough exterior.

Yet now my heart is about to break, for when all is said and done, it is made of nothing more than glass. Your look away nervously – you don’t want to see me cry – but then you face me again and your hand reaches out. It holds a small red box. The lid is open. Inside sits a ring of emeralds, reflecting the green of my own eyes. And my heart does shatter, it bursts like a firework. Not glass after all, but stardust.

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